Friday, April 12, 2013

Dating Other Moms

I'm putting this link on the blog, because reading it made me snort, man-laugh, and get a little choked up - all in the few minutes it took me to get through the article. 

It reminded me to be thankful for the times when I've managed to get through all of the small talk to find a "fourth-base" mom, and to get out of my comfort zone more often to find a few more!

Dating other moms is not for the weak! But it is so good for my soul to branch out beyond my own parenting styles and my own children, and meet new moms who need to praise their kid for memorizing their Bible verses with all the motions, talk about the fear of their child being diagnosed with Asperger's, or have a good old-fashioned whine about your kid won't stop pooping in the tub!

There are days when celebrating (or complaining) with other moms (without judgment!) is the only thing that gets me through my day! And I love them fiercely for that!

I'm so thankful for the fellow moms who have survived looking like this when I open my mouth and stuck around so we could learn about each other on a deeper level!

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