Sunday, August 14, 2011

Never A Dull Moment

How many times have I used that title since I started this blog? We don't have an extremely exciting life, but we do our best to keep it interesting! This will have to be my "last night" post, because I have another post I want to share for today.

Mel and I had a baby shower to go to on Saturday morning, so Steve watched Bella. He decided to get some yardwork done for the party we were hosting that night for Mel's birthday. I got a call towards the end of the shower from Steve saying he had caught his finger in the hedge trimmer and cut himself. I asked if he felt light-headed from blood and he said no, so we headed home without calling someone else who was closer and could get to Steve quicker.
It was not a deep cut (thank goodness!), but it was in a jagged "Z" pattern, so we thought stitches were a possibility. We drove to the first urgent care center and they wouldn't take us because they closed at 2:00 (seriously, it was 2:02...not even lying!), so we headed out to the next one, but they sent us to a hospital, because the doctor said he couldn't accommodate that jagged of a cut.

FINALLY...we made it to the hospital and through the crazy-long waiting time! Steve got stitched up with five stitches in all, and I think his hand was throbbing by the end of it, even with pain killers.

The original wound.

Busting out his best "Have some sympathy" face!

Waiting. And waiting. And waiting some more. At least the people in the next bed provided good entertainment!

Instruments of was too fascinating not to watch, but I did have to look a couple of times when the needle went into Steve's skin.

The finished product...hopefully, that's not too "yucky" of a picture. I have to say, it did seem to look worse AFTER being stitched than before, but I know it will improve with healing. The doctor gave us special antibiotics since Steve is diabetic and more prone to infection. He cleaned it out last night and there was no swelling at all, so that's a good sign!

I warned him that if he keeps hurting himself in freak accidents, I'm going to strap him into a wheelchair.

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