Friday, August 29, 2014

D-Day Is Coming...

I have two "fears" about Little Man's arrival - that he's going to be, like, 14 pounds, and how Evelyn's sleep pattern is going to affect us. Yep, they're silly fears, but there it is.

I look at pregnant women who are a week from their due date, and I know I have some growing to do. I don't think I look too huge (especially for a third baby), but I feel so tight and stretched already. 

Little Man is moving like crazy and he must do a lot of his acrobatics stretched out, because I'm usually feeling him on both sides of my stomach. Or he'll kick my ribs and bladder at the same time. Not sure how that happens. And he seems to sit soooo looowww (is that a boy thing?); I have constant pressure on the very lowest part of my stomach. I feel sometimes like I have to hold him up.

Yesterday, I had some Braxton Hicks contractions throughout the day, and all I could think was, this kid is seriously going to kick a foot out early. Our midwife assures us that I'm measuring right on target, but I also got her to agree that I could have a C-section if we found out he was going to be 10 pounds or more. Let me just tell you, I don't are what women did a hundred years ago, I am NOT delivering a 10-lb. baby vaginally and without drugs. 

My other weird concern is Evelyn's sleep pattern and how it's going to kill us. ("Us" meaning Steve and I; we're so tired, we don't really care what happens to her.) I can't be certain if she did this before I was in Idaho, but she wakes up every single night between midnight and 2:00. Every. Single. Night. She's usually just crying because she can't find her lovey (we now throw all three in her bed at night), or she's calling out for Mommy, but I'm the only one that can go in and soothe her. Armageddon breaks out if Steve walks in that room. 

And speaking of the end of the world, she has also been waking up every morning around 4:00 or 5:00. At first I thought it was because she heard Steve getting ready in the morning (his alarm goes off at 4:45), but she did it this morning, too, and he had the day off. 

She wakes up for some simple reason, but her body thinks it's had its sleep allotment for the day and she keeps getting up. This morning, she was up SIX times between 4:30 and 6:00. Oh my word! She had to pee, then her tummy hurt, then she wanted a snack, and sometime around 5:30, she came in just to give me a hug. 

I try to be firm and take her back to bed each time, but I finally gave in around 6:00 and dragged her into bed with me. Which sucks just as equally as having to get up and walk her back, because she either violently kicks, or she thinks our foreheads should be touching.

How is she going to handle a newborn in bed with me?!? And, sweet baby Moses, wait until Steve has to be the one who takes her back to bed! She's going to wake Little Man and Bella in one fell swoop. She is normally our mild one, so having her sleep be so...disruptive is killing us. 

It makes me a little nervous for when a new baby is sharing or bed or our room, and she decides she needs Mommy's undivided attention at 2:00 AM. Not to mention how utterly exhausted you are during the baby's first week or so. That's just going to be good times right there.

So there they are. Weird irrational fears that sometimes literally keep me up at night. That and peeing.

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