Friday, March 9, 2012

Nesting...And Lots Of Pacing

Nesting mode is in full swing. The problem is, I have most of my projects done, so I'm just pacing. I should be napping right now, but I keep walking up and down the hallway in front of the nursery, hoping a project will suddenly become apparent. Sometimes I walk into the nursery and sit in the rocking chair before getting up and pacing again. Oh, and it's raining outside, so it's not like I can go pull weeds or plant flowers.

I hate being restless; it makes me cranky (ask Steve). I could spend the next ten minutes putting some items in the attic, but I loathe "attic runs" with a deep and burning passion. Steve literally has to either do it himself or stand at the bottom of the attic stairs so that I'll stay motivated.

I feel like the mom in The Emperor's New Groove who gets annoyed at something the king does and has to go clean something to calm she snorts. Did I mention she's also hugely pregnant? I'm pretty much at that point - cranky, snorting, and pregnant; it's a beautiful thing.

Alright! I'm off to set the table for our birthday dinner that people shouldn't be showing up to for another 30 hours or so. You really envy Steve right now, don't you?

Yep, this is me right now. Except I don't look that cute in a headband.

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