The little human has really gotten better at learning (and saying) new words! We were at the park yesterday and she started saying "water." This was AFTER I had taken off her shoes, and mine, and let us both walk in the very cold water. Apparently, she's a kinesthetic learner. Of course, convincing her to leave the water without freaking out was a little challenging, but she's getting so much better at listening, comprehending, and obeying.
Our favorite thing that she does is answer the question, "Bella, how old are you?" She holds up both of her pointer fingers and says, "two." It sounds like a gorilla is grunting out the word "toe," and it's really cute!
She's also getting better at saying "please", "banana", "drink", "open", "movie", and "car". Most of these are words she knew before, but didn't really use consistently. Next up is counting! She can say "one" and "two" in the right order, but rarely moves on to "ree". I'm trying to count to five whenever I can.
that's great that bells is talking more. we are working on numbers and really trying to expand madd's vocabulary. he says a lot of words but two syllable words usually lose the second consonant. Daddy is Daee, etc. also, he likes to say two for every number. he counts the stairs...two two two two. p.s. thanks for updating your blog on a regular basis. these blogs help me get through the day sometimes.
I completely understand. I have those blogs that get me through the day, too!:) Bella does the same thing for "daddy". It seems as though she'll learn three new words in a week and then go 2 weeks without learning any!
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