Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Mommy Chuckles

You know you're a mom when you get excited about buying new underwear for your kids. Bella's My Little Pony underwear is literally falling apart, so we went to Target today to pick out new ones. Since school is starting soon, I thought we should maybe pick out ones that weren't ponies or Tinker Bell, so we settled on some bright colors and polka dots. I'm not sure why anyone would see her underwear at school, but on some freak chance that they do, I didn't know if she'd feel embarrassed about having "little girl" designs on her undies. (You really shouldn't be surprised that I'm way over-thinking this. Or that I'm also probably wrong.)
We are in the very earliest, teensiest stages of potty training Evelyn. After rushing it with Bella, I was pretty committed to waiting as long as possible to do anything with Evelyn, but she loves to copy anything Bella does and she's actually thrown a fit when I didn't take her diaper off and let her sit on the potty. She doesn't actually do anything once she's sitting there, but we got the potties out of the attic anyway, just to see what she would do. I know lots of moms who talk about the relief of being out of diapers, and yes, it would be fantastic if Evelyn were potty trained before the newest little human came, but I would much rather change a diaper than have to stop what you're doing in every single store you enter because one of your children had the slightest inkling of having to pee.
Friday morning, Steve was home from work, so we were still laying in bed when the girls woke up and came into our room. The girls usually run to my side right away and start asking for juice or a movie, but this time, Bella went right to Steve's side and whispered, "Daddy, I want your blood." You'd think we let her watch horror films sometimes with the random, creepy stuff that comes out of her mouth.
I always think it's funny to pause sometimes and realize the things that we say as parents that you just never thought would be an issue. I read an article written by a mom with four boys, and her best "mommy comment" was having to tell one of her little boys at the dinner table, "Please stop wrapping your penis around your fork." I pray she wrote that down in his baby book!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I just read this blog and it reminded me of 2 little girls who suddenly had to go SO bad if they even suspected there might be a bathroom close by that they hadn't tried out yet. Ah, good times!