Thursday, May 22, 2014

A Snapshot...

Steve's out with Trey and Matt for a little while, so here's a quick view of our home tonight...

I'm sitting in bed, eating fried chicken and chocolate pound cake, and watching Sense and Sensibility.

Evelyn has "snuck" into Bella's bed, and they're chatting away in their room. I'm tired of yelling at them to go to sleep, so I'm sacrificing bedtime for the awesomeness coming from across the hall.

Eventually, I'll have to interrupt them and be stern, but for now, I'm lost in the world of chocolate and Jane Austen.

1 comment:

Julie Clark said...

It's so sweet that she sneaks to Bella's room. Braden "sneaks" to the girls room pretty much every night. I think it is the one time of the day that there isn't arguing going on, so we embrace it!