Friday, December 7, 2012

Macy's Pink Pig Ride

 It's an Atlanta tradition to ride the Pink Pink train at Macy's. Since mom and dad were in town this week, we decided it would be a good time to go for our first experience!

Bella was extremely excited (and unbelievably hyper!!!!) to see the pink pigs everywhere!

Waiting in line...

Meeting the "real" Priscilla Pig! Bella didn't want to sit on her lap, but she was happy to talk to her!

 We're so close! It was a long line for a two-minute train ride, but Bella loved it!

 Each rider (even babies!) had to sit on the actual seat, so Evelyn was propped up next to me. Doesn't she look worried here? Thankfully, she has started sitting up on her own, so I just had to keep an arm around her back.

Bella and Daddy during the ride.

Our reflections in the and dad up front, Evelyn and I in the middle, and Bella and Steve in the back.

"Why am I sitting all by myself???"

We survived! And somehow, at the end of it all, we are all smiling!

Our souvenirs! I'm glad we went for Bella's sake, but the adults were a little worn out by the end!

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