Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pains Of Motherhood

Here it black eye. The picture is a little blurry and the eye is not bad, but I've never had a black eye before, so I felt the need to document it.

I wish I had a really cool story to go along with it like saving a child from being kidnapped or pushing an old lady out of the way of a speeding vehicle, but it was just a cranky toddler who was briefly captivated by a car in the Kroger parking lot and turned her head too quickly. It's an exciting life, people.

In the very real possibility that I'm just a total wimp and you can't see which one is supposed to be "black", it's my right. I had people at VBS asking me today if I was really tired, which made me want to give THEM a black eye, but I refrained. You can't tell little kids about Jesus and then punch someone; I'm pretty sure Jesus would not be thrilled with that.

1 comment:

The Windhams said...

lol....i somehow missed this post until now. love it! i can see the black eye. this is something that would happen to me.