Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Favorite Faces

I'm a totally biased parent in thinking my child is super-cute, but every once in awhile, she makes a face that makes me laugh out loud! These are two of my favorites....

This is her "Tickled Pink" face! Today, she made this face when the theme song to Super Why came on. She loves music and loves her PBS shows! It's a silly face that I rarely get to catch on camera, so I was excited to get it today!

This is Bella's "Get Out Of Jail Free" face. When she is scolded and I use my best "stop that or die" voice, Bella will turn and stare at me. She doesn't cry. She doesn't laugh. I'm pretty sure she doesn't blink. She just stares with this look on her face. It takes all of my power not to laugh, and I usually fail miserably!

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