Thursday, January 20, 2011

Just The Way We Like It!

One of the ways that Steve's bank has been so generous to our family was to send over a cleaning lady on two different occasions. I wasn't raised with a cleaning lady and I've never hired one now that I'm in my own home, so I wasn't really sure what to expect. I have to say...she was amazing! Her name was Amelia, and she didn't look much older than I am. It was a lot of fun to come home and find our rolls of toilet paper in every bathroom folded like this...
One of the other things that she did was clean the front of the refrigerator. To do this, Amelia had to take down all of the pictures and mementos that were taped to it. It was nice to have a sparkly, shiny fridge door for a day, but this afternoon, I put it all back up. I like having my fridge door taped with a bunch of "junk." I like having my little sister's picture taped down low so that Bella can recognize "Aunt Rachel." And I love the Taco Bell sauce packet that reads, "Will You Marry Me?" on the front of it that Steve gave me a couple of months ago. So once again, our fridge looks like this...

A huge thank-you to Steve's bank and to Amelia, but the memories beat clean anyday!

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