Monday, December 20, 2010

We Are Loved

Everyone knows about Steve's accident, so this is going to be a positive post! The most discouraging part of the accident (other than the surgery and hip itself) has been that we won't be able to spend Christmas with the Wires side of our family. Steve and I have been looking forward to this for weeks, and it was a huge disappointment. (I promise I'm working up to the positive stuff.) Presents, of course, are not a substitute for our awesome family, but I opened the door this afternoon to check the mail, and the mailman was walking up to the door with an armload of packages...all from Steve's family and stuffed with homemade goodies and our Christmas presents! It was a wonderful moment that made us so grateful for the family that we have. We're going to wait for Christmas to actually open the presents, but I can tell you already that Bella made out like a bandit! Here's everything set out on our couch - a huge, gigantic "thank-you" to Grandma Ferguson, Grandma Wires, Mom and Dad, Stacey and Craig, Matt and Julie, and our wonderful nieces and nephews! We miss you all so much!

Our friend, Ben, stopped by with lunch and he brought his dog, Scotch. Bella loved him! She giggled and chased after him the entire time - I think she terrified the poor little guy. She had a really cute moment when Ben held Scotch and let Bella come up and pet him. She babbled away and had a whole conversation with him.

1 comment:

Norma Wires said...

so glad you got the packages in time. We too are very disappointed that we won't be together, but hope this will make it a little more like Christmas for you. And there are more to look forward to that didn't fit in the box! Whenever a car makes the trip one way or the other! Love you all!