Friday, December 10, 2010

What's A Girl To Do?

I was all prepared to write about a special moment Bella and I had today. As I was sitting on the stairs, watching her and Rex play in the playroom this morning, she walked up to me, took the toy out of my hand, and wrapped her little fingers around mine to hold my hand. She then gave me the sweetest, most satisfied smile. It was precious. It would have made for a beautiful blogging moment. But, of course...

A few minutes later, I was in the kitchen and heard what sounded like pine cones being smashed against one another. The only place I have pine cones is ON TOP of the dining room table. That's right...I walked in to find this...

She used the farmer's bench to climb up on the table! How did she figure that out?!? Maybe it wasn't that hard for her mischievous toddler brain, but I really never thought of the bench being a potential hazard. Apparently, she found the pine cones and candle too hard to resist.

It was hard to scold her when I was secretly so impressed that she figured out how to climb up there without dying.

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