Once I decided to really commit to this blog, I started to love the "scrapbook" aspect of it; it was great knowing that this was a record of our family's journey - the big and the little moments together. With that in mind, Bella has had some cute little updates lately that I want to make sure I document so that I can tell her about them one day. They might be boring for other people to read, but they're important for me as her Mama to remember.
Bella loves Toy Story 2 right now! She can say "Buzz" and "Woody", but sometimes she mixes them up. We played in our neighborhood pool last weekend and there was a little boy who had 4 or 5 Buzz toys with him. Bella went wild with excitement! We were lucky the boy's mother believed in sharing. :)
Bella is obsessed with animals, especially horses. Her favorite book lately is a random one that Grandma Wires gave us from her teaching collection. It lists all of the fastest, slowest, largest, etc. animals. I actually know what an Etruscan shrew is and how much it weighs because of this book. Oh, and I know way more about anacondas and spiders than I ever thought I would!
Bella also really likes her book, I Love My Bible. I'd like to think it was because of the Bible, but I think it's actually because there are two African-American children on the cover and throughout the book. She seems pretty fascinated by people of other colors.
Steve and I have started going into her room to peek at her every night before we go to bed. It's so cute to see her in her big girl bed; she has even started wanting to use a blanket as her "pillow." It's one of my favorite moments of the day, to see her laying there like a big kid instead of a baby.
Speaking of bedtime, I have to share tradition we have started. Bedtime is "Daddy Time" - Steve will start about 30 minutes before her bedtime by playing with her and reading her favorite books. (We try to sneak in her potty books, too.) Then he changes her diaper, gets her into PJ's and brushes her teeth. They come to find me for bedtime kisses and then he takes her upstairs and prays with her before laying her down. I love waiting outside her door and hearing her say, "men!" at the end of Steve's prayer!
I have a funny potty training/poop story, but I'll have to save that for another time...